Friday, July 9, 2010

One Last Thing

What I really appreciated about this course was that it forced me to take the time to check out some tools that otherwise I might not have gotten around to looking at. I also know there is more out there than I will ever be able to know about. So, it was nice to have someone else pick out some of the more useful tools allowing me to spend my time learning them and not looking for them.

Probably the tool that has changed my daily routine the most is my Google Reader. I skim it almost every night and use information from it to give relevance to the content that students need to learn. Another tool that I have used is a wiki to help me collaboratively work on some curriculum projects.

I mainly keep up with new developments by word of mouth, through technology blogs and by just paying attention to some of the things newly graduated teachers are doing. If 23 Things Part II was offered, I would take it. Though, 12 Things might be more my speed.

I don't see myself keeping up with my blog because I don't really have an audience and writing to the void doesn't appeal to me. Though, I would be the first to argue that forcing yourself to write something down helps you to clarify your thoughts and internalize learning. I do however resolve to get a website of some kind up and running this year for the Science Resource Center.

I want to thank the whole Learning 2.0 Team for the work put into developing this course and for monitoring my progress. I also want to say thank you for all your patience with a student who needed more time to complete the task.

Now, that I have finally finished all 23 things I feel like I have really accomplished something.



  1. Congratulations! I can tell that you have learned a lot and am proud of your success!!!

  2. Congratulations! I think you are a great "player" and hope you'll continue to learn new "things" and share them back!
